After the introduction, the author includes a section entitled “Thoughts from the Frontline,” that covers his daughters’ perspectives about diversity, inclusion, and young people today. A picture of the Great Wall of China and a quote from an Asian Proverb follows. Parents and children parading the streets, markets, and exhibits in China, Singapore, Thailand, and India are featured next, followed by a plethora of captivating images of Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia. Beautiful pictures of the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, and Egypt span the next several pages, and the final section encompasses fascinating shots of open markets, architecture, murals, agriculture, and citizens in a number of Latin American countries.
Robert Abad is thoughtful and genuine in his portrayal of ordinary lives. His photographs are diverse; some are eye-catching like the gorgeous view of the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and the frozen landscape and snow-covered mountains in Calafate, Argentina. Others are serene, like the stark, white mosques in Abu Dhabi and the fluffy, cotton candy clouds over Kazakhstan. Commonplace occurrences – a cow comfortably mingling among the crowd in Jaipur, India, and school children standing against a brightly colored wall in San Miguel, Mexico are also included. “No tengo Facebook mi vida les real” is scrolled across a building in Panama City in another. It, along with a spectacular shot in Dubrovnik, Croatia of a basketball court overlooking the sea, will likely be top picks of young children.
Moment is dedicated to “the next generation of young trailblazers, dreamers, and problem-solvers,” and the quotes woven intricately into it will touch this audience, causing them to think, imagine, even act. “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is a reality” by John Lennon and “The only people who see the whole picture are the ones who step out of the frame” by Salman Rushdie will speak loudly to younger generations who exude optimism and a willingness to accept differences among people. Though this book is suitable for any age, it’s ideal for youth ages ten and up and is unquestionably a valuable resource for educators. It’s certain to spark interest, intrigue, and conversation.